2022 Year In Review

Its hard to believe another year is coming to an end! Although at times it may seem like the days are long and the years are short, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on a busy past couple of months.

Top 50 Lawyers in America
David Jennis spoke at the Paskay Conference on “Florida: The Ultimate Subchapter V Experiment” and was chosen for the 2022 Top 50 Lawyers in America list. Chip Morse obtained a final decree and discharge for a traditional chapter 11 debtor who made all of his plan payments stemming from a 2013 filing.

Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association
Daniel Etlinger was a presenter at the Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association’s Consumer Lunch: Elevate Your Practice and December CLE Luncheon: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about TBE* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). He also served as the TBBBA Board’s Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) liaison, publishing articles and giving presentations in support of the same.

Top 100 Lawyers
Katie Hinton was recognized by The National Black Lawyers as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Florida and was a rousing panelist at the 2022 LendingCon conference in Orlando.

Michael Stavros was sworn in by Judge Michael Williamson.

The firm as a whole hosted several events including the bankruptcy bar’s clay shoot tournament and May happy hour, as well as sponsoring countless others such as the TBBBA’s annual dinner. The practice also filed several key chapter 11 cases and confirmed others, in addition to their litigation and transactional work. The firm’s accomplishments were also recognized in a number of publications including the Florida Bar News, Hillsborough County Bar Association News and Tampa Bay Business Journal BizSpotlight.